AGENDA for February 10, 2016, Regular Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Granada Community Services District, 504 Avenue Alhambra, 3rd Floor, El Granada
Call to Order (7:00 p.m.) – Councilmember self-introductions.
1. Board of Supervisors’ Report and Reports from other Government Officials
2. Public Comment and Announcements (Members of the public may speak up to three minutes on any topic not on the agenda. Please fill out a speaker slip. The Council may not discuss or take action on items not on the agenda.)
3. Consent Agenda (Items generally approved as a group without discussion, unless requested to be moved to Regular Agenda for discussion.)
a. Approve Minutes for January 27, 2016
- Regular Agenda — The Council may take action on the following items:
a. (7:15 p.m.) Introduction to MidPen Housing (Johnson) — MidPen Housing will introduce the San Mateo County-based nonprofit organization to the Midcoast community and will follow up this presentation with an upcoming community Open House in March, where MidPen will gather community input regarding a potential development on the 11acre North Moss Beach affordable housing site (CSEA property) on Carlos Street.
Desired outcome: Informational.
5. Council Activity — Correspondence received and meetings attended.
6. Future Agendas
February 24, 2016 — TBD
March 9, 2016 — Sister Cities presentation
Adjournment (9:00 p.m.)
NOTE: The Council reserves the right to re-order the agenda. All indicated start times are estimates. Supporting documents for agenda items are available 72 hours in advance of meetings at
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