Midcoast Community Council Special Meeting - Agenda, April 1, 2020

The Midcoast Community Council Tonight will meet online tonight at 7pm.

The Midcoast Community Council will consider the procedures for interviewing applicants for the open position on the council on April 8.

Council members will also update the community on plans for listening to the Midcoast Mobility Survey, the status of planning permit reviews, the status of major planning projects, connecting the Coastside and Cypress Point, how to assess transparency in remotely conducted meetings, and olson and will assess the methods used in the first remotely conducted MCC meeting.


Call to Order (7:10) – Councilmember self-introductions
Introduction and Discussion of Meeting Conduct

  1. Board of Supervisors’ Report and Reports from other Government Officials

  2. Public Comment & Announcements (Members of the public may speak up to 3 minutes on any topic
    not on the agenda.)

  3. Consent Agenda (Items generally approved as a group without discussion, unless requested to be moved to Regular Agenda for discussion) a. Approve Minutes for March 11, 2020

  4. Regular Agenda – The Council may take action on the following items:
    a. (7:45) Review of Procedures and Process for Interviews of Applicants for Open MCC Position (Erickson) Desired outcome: Informational, Readiness for Applicant Interviews on April 8
    b. (8:15) Update by council members of topics of community interest (Erickson) Weil – Plans for Listening to the Midcoast Mobility Survey Toutant – Status of Planning Permit Reviews Erickson – Status of Major Planning Projects - Connect the Coastside and Cypress Point Haggerty – How to Assess Transparency in Remotely Conducted Meetings Olson – Assessment of Methods used in the first Remotely Conducted MCC Meeting

  5. Council Activity – MCC Task List Update, Correspondence, Meetings attended

  6. 9:30 - Adjournment


Len Erickson, Chair
Michelle Weil, Vice Chair
Claire Toutant, Secretary
Barbra Mathewson, Treasurer
Dan Haggerty
Dave Olson

Upcoming meetings

April 8 – Open Council Seat Interviews; Cypress Point

April 22– Harbor District; Parks

How to Join

This will be a video meeting. The MCC Council, Government Officials, invited speakers and members of the public may attend the meeting using the application

• Join with a computer, tablet or smart phone browser at FreeConferenceCall.com

• Or if you have installed the FreeConferenceCall app, join the meeting daveolsonmcc and click on the “telephone” button.

A popup requesting your name and email will be displayed.

:black_small_square: Enter your name and email. If you prefer to be anonymous, use Anonymous, and anonymous@example.com

Click on the Join button, then click on the telephone button to connect to the meeting or by phone, dial (351) 999-3781

Individuals who require special assistance or a disability-related accommodation to participate in this meeting or wish to request an alternative format for the agenda, presentations, or other documents should contact Councilmember Dave Olson prior to 10:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting at (650) 387-3618 or daveolsonmcc@gmail.com. Notification in advance of the meeting will enable the Council to make reasonable arrangements to ensure your access to this meeting and materials.

The meeting will be recorded and made available to the public. Public comment and questions will be accepted during the meeting at appropriate times during the conference call. For clarity, comments will be moderated so that no more than one member of the public will speak at a time. The Council will accept short email comments to midcoastcommunitycouncil@gmail.com to be read aloud at the meeting up to 1 hour prior to start of the meeting. Emailed comments should be no more than 200-300 words, consistent with the 3 minute limit on public comments. Be sure to put either “Public Comment” or the Agenda Item in the subject.
