This is the petition that Nextdoor censored. It was started after a pair of dogs attacked a small dog named Daisy on Montara State Beach.
This is the link that was deleted by Nextdoor the other day.
It was a link to KQED’s Forum show episode on the GGNRA dog management plan.
You can see the link here on Coastsider.
Another Dog attack today in Montara. This time on the Alpaca’s.
Over a hundred people have signed this petition. Let’s get help with this problem.
I spoke to Chad Marin the new Deputy Chief Ranger that will be covering Montara. He really wants to get the word out that they want the Park to be safe for all to enjoy. If you see off-leash behavior in the park call him.
415 289-3137
24 hours a day dispatch (415) 561-5505
I hand delivered our petition last night to Christine Lehnertz, General Superintendent of the GGNRA.