AGENDA for Special Meeting
Thursday October 8, 2015, 7:00 pm
GCSD Meeting Room, 504 Avenue Alhambra, 3 rd Floor, El Granada
(7:00) Call to Order – Councilmember self-introductions
Public Comment (Members of the public may speak up to 3 minutes on any topic not on
the agenda. The Council may not discuss or take action on items not on the agenda.) -
Special Agenda – The Council holds this special meeting to do timely interviews of
the applicants for the vacancy on the Council.
a. Interview Applicants for MCC Vacancy – (Olson). Four qualified applications
have been filed to fill the vacancy on the MCC, created when Joel Janoe resigned.
With the change to even year elections, the applicant will serve until December
2018, and will be eligible to run for re-election in the November 2018 election.
In reverse alphabetical order, the applicants are: -
Claire Toutant, Moss Beach
Todd Pelman, Moss Beach
Charles Curtis Grisham, Moss Beach
Gael Erickson, El Granada
Each applicant in turn will have 4 minutes to make an initial statement.
The Council, Supervisor Horsley, and members of the public will then ask
questions of the applicants, and/or make comments.
After all applicants have been interviewed, each applicant will have 3 minutes to
make a closing statement.
The Council will then discuss the candidates and make a recommendation to the
Board of Supervisors.
Desired Outcome: Council votes to recommend one applicant for the vacancy to
the Board of Supervisors.
(8:30) Adjournment