{summary}The Half Moon Bay Film Society presents We Corner People, a documentary about building a bridge in Nepal.
Near Nepal’s border with China sits a small village that is breathtakingly beautiful, but oh so isolated. The inhabitants call themselves the “Corner People”, living as they do with their backs up against a mountain without benefit of electricity, roads, a doctor’s office, or even a single store. They are proud of their 3-room school, but that just goes up to 3rd grade. The nearest town with a store, customers to sell their bamboo weavings to, or a school for older children is a 4-hour, round-trip hike away.
The path to the stores and customers crosses a river that can be easily leapt in a single bound during the dry season but grows to a raging torrent during monsoon season. Everyone in town mourns the loss of at least one individual who slipped and drowned while attempting to cross the angry river.
Now the local government has raised the money to build a bridge over the river and sent supplies and an engineer to supervise the construction. No power tools have been provided to string the heavy metal cables across the river gorge or to lay deep bridge foundations. Large gangs of locals must work together in harmony to do this hard work.
“This subtle, multi-dimensional film tells the story of a bridge, not as a monumental or heroic achievement of development, but as an event that occurs within a local social history… The portrait is holistic ….a story of a participatory development, told entirely without romance, false egalitarianism, or teleological overtones.” Dr. Stacy Pigg, Simon Fraser University
Friday, Sept 11 @ 7:30
Coastside Sr. Housing/Sr. Coastsiders
925 Main Street, Half Moon Bay, CA
Donation $5.00 adults— $3:00 for kids —Donations for Nepalese earthquake victims will also be collected
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://coastsider.com/site/news/we_corner_people_a_documentary_about_building_a_bridge_in_nepal_friday_sept